Jude Currivan

Dr. Jude Currivan

Cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author

Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist and author. She is a life-long researcher into the nature of reality, has a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specializing in quantum physics and cosmology and a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies.

Following an international business career culminating in her being one of the most senior businesswomen in the UK she then chose in the mid-1990s to move on to pursue a calling to serve the emergence of a global shift of awareness. She has journeyed to some seventy countries, has extensive experience and knowledge of world events, international politics, global economic and financial systems and future trends and has spoken on transformational reforms in the UK, US, Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Also keeping up with the latest scientific discoveries across many fields of research, she integrates leading edge science, research into consciousness and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic wholeworld-view. This underpins her work aimed at raising awareness and facilitating transformational and sustainable resolutions to our collective and planetary issues. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net) whose other members include Deepak Chopra, Don Beck and Jean Houston and lives in Wiltshire, England.

Her previous five non-fiction books are currently available in some 15 languages and 25 countries. Her sixth book The Cosmic Hologram (Inner Traditions, Spring 2017) which Ervin Laszlo who has written the foreword calls a tour de force shares the emergent scientifically-based revolution in awareness of an in-formed and holographic Universe where: “consciousness isn’t something we have but what we and the whole word are”.

It is the first of the Transformation trilogy whose second and third books will be Gaia: Her-Story and Many Voices, One Heart.
