Academic Processes

This two-session component of NextGen TRACKS aims to create students for an international academic climate.

The track particularly focusses on ‘briefing’ students to the functions, benefits, and maxims of conference-learning.

The second session on Monday ‘debriefs’ students to pursue more future-spective disciplines and college interests.

Session I: “‘Maxims of Meow’: a Contemporary Perception of American Academe” and “Introduction to Mentorship Program.” Jason Branham, et al, will present a contemporary and relevant presentation lending an ‘up-and coming’ examination of American academe. This will be a lecture-type multimedia presentation aimed for a pre-college / college audience.

Subsequently in the remaining 20 minutes, Prerana Mantri will present an introduction to the Mentorship Program, preparing students to seek and properly utilize the mentors immersing students on-site.