William P. Schonberg

Dr. William P. Schonberg

Aerospace Engineer

Dr. William P. Schonberg has over 30 years experience in shock physics and spacecraft protection. His research is dedicated to improving the safety of long-duration spacecraft and of personnel involved in space flight. At Missouri S&T, Dr. Schonberg teaches courses in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering. In 1995, he received the AIAA’s Lawrence Sperry Award for his work on spacecraft protection systems, and in 2000 the Charles Beecher Prize from the IMechE in England. Most recently he was presented with a Distinguished Scientist Award by the Hypervelocity Impact Society in recognition of his scholarly accomplishments and his dedication to the Society and its programs. In 2007 Dr. Schonberg received a Bessel Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation. This allowed him to spend 7 months at the Ernst Mach Institute in Germany working on protection systems for satellites and developing designs for safe lunar habitats.