John Quinn
Co-founder, Exos Aerospace Systems &Technologies.
John Quinn is a Controls Engineer turned trader and entrepreneur who enjoys leading and teaching others. Since “firing his boss” of 17 years to seek to develop submarine technologies (that micro electronics did not support development of during his service aboard submarines) John has engaged in numerous business activities including: Founding Martin Systems & Technologies, J&T Management, J&T Ventures, Megawatt Control Solutions and Co-founding Exos Aerospace Systems & Technologies. John is passionate about Space and STEM education and enabling what can be accomplished with today’s micro technologies. John has found applying Six Sigma processes and using data based decision making skills supports building a solid base and spawn growth in the companies he is involved with.
John has been married for over 26 years and enjoys spending time with his family and enjoying the many adventures God’s grace has unlocked. He is excited to share some of the most recent developments at Exos as he works as the COO to lead the company into the commercial space race one methodical step at a time.